Camera is a responsive/adaptive slideshow. Try to resize the browser window
It uses a light version of jQuery mobile, navigate the slides by swiping with your fingers
It's completely free (even if a donation is appreciated)
Camera slideshow provides many options to customize your project as more as possible
It supports captions, HTML elements and videos and it's validated in HTML5 (have a look)
Different color skins and layouts available, fullscreen ready too

I made Camera slideshow for free

I developed it for one of my projects and I decided to share it.

If you like you can reciprocate in many ways as you can see

if you like camera
be social

Be social

Share this page or follow me on Dribbble, Twitter, Facebook etc.

if you like camera
buy something

Buy something

Buy one of my themes on ThemeForest or hire me to adapt this plugin

If you like Camera slideshow, or if you used it for a commercial purposes, please consider a donation via Paypal or credit card


if you like camera
make a donation

Make a donation

You can buy me a beer, or an ice-cream for my daughter via Paypal

Introduction, where I talk about Camera slideshow

And I apologize for my bad English

HI THERE. First of all excuse me for my bad english, second excuse me if you will find some bugs on Camera slideshow. I developed it for free, so it's not easy to find the time to work on it. If you want to help me with a donation I'll appreciate :-)

Camera slideshow is an open source project, based on Diapo slideshow (, no more supported, sorry), but improved a lot. You can suggest changes or improvements if you want. You can download it and use for free, you can also include it in your projects and sell it as part of a bigger work (in this case please consider a donation).

Camera slideshow (as Diapo) is tested on new browsers, but I tried to make it compatible with the old versions of Internet Explorer too (8 and 7). But I don't think I will spend many hours to improve this feature, sorry.

Camera slideshow requires jQuery 1.4+ and other jQuery plugins are necessary if you want to use some functionalities: jQuery Easing, a customized version of jQuery Mobile to use Camera with mobile devices, ColorBox and TimThumb (you can also disable some of these plugins).

Usage, how to include Camera into your projects

And all the methods

The admin panel

Camera provides an extended admin panel with a complete documentation:

Admin panel

Admin panel


You can include Camera slideshow into your projects by using the TinyMCE custom button, by using the shortcode:

[camera slideshow='my-first-slideshow']

You can also include it into your theme by adding this function to your functions.php file:

if (function_exists('camera_main_ss_add')) {

In this case a meta box will be available on your page/posts backend to select the slideshow you prefer. Just put this code into your loop to display the slideshow:

if (function_exists('camera_meta_slideshow')) {
    $meta_camera = get_post_custom( $post->ID );
        echo camera_meta_slideshow($meta_camera['camera_meta_slideshow'][0]);

Download, support, contacts, changelog

And if you want donations

Support for me

If you want to support my work you can buy something from my ThemeForest page: ThemeForest, I'll really appreciate

You can also share this page or follow me on Dribbble, Twitter, Facebook etc.


If you want you can hire me at manu at pixedelic dot com (include some details about your project and do not ask for support at this address). Do not use this address to ask support please.

Support for you

If you need support or if you want to report a bug or ask an implementation the only way is by join the Camera slideshow Google group:


To download this file just enter the donation you want to make. If you don't want to donate anything just type 0. Then click "Download"

(you can type 0) $
download  download Camera slideshow

©2012 by Manuel Masia |